Setup Management

Set up section is an important parameter. With the help of set up parameter you can easily modify to change the behavior of the software assets. It is a process of all configuration setting. You can manage and synchronize the configuration across your integration, staging and business environments.

Company details provides all additional information (company name, Fax, phone no, company address etc.) which are provides by company.

Please go to the setup section and add company details.

Go to the Setup section ->Company details->System.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can change date format so please go setup ->company details ->system.

A logo is a small graphic sign that identifies a company, association, organization, brand, team, product, website or person.

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. SMTP provides a set of codes that simplify the communication of email messages between email servers.

Please go the setup ->company details->Logo and title.

An employee ID is a unique numeric identification code set by your employer.


If you want to add multiple designation go to the “ + ” button.

If you want to check total employees, so please go setup->Departments->here you can check how much employees are present in that department.

An allowance is an amount of money given or allotted usually at regular intervals for a specific purpose.

The action of deducting or subtracting something.

Yes, you can add multiple allowances at a time.

Yes, you can adjust that amount in salary and also download payslip.

Yes, you can delete a PayScale.

Pay scale salary or CTC as it known; is the total cost for a particular roll to the company. While basic is just the minimum necessary to be paid statutorily as per local law of the land.

Credit leave is the number of leaves credited to the employees.

Shift work is an employment practice designed to make use of, or provide service across, all 24 hours of the clock each day of the week.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can add tds and pf in Setup section, please go Setup >Allowances and Deductions.

  • Company Details
  • Department
  • Allowance and Deduction
  • Pay Scale
  • Leave Type
  • Shift Type

Company details

In company details section you can change your company details. If you want to change company details go to Set up Section -> Company details and fill all the required fields like company name, address, email and so on.

Setup Management System

Company Details - System

In system you can change the employee prefix id. It will help to generate employee id automatically. You can give currency, time zone and date format. Whatever the currency and time zone you will set here entire software work on that format. To change setting go to Set Up Section; Setting and fill all required field here and save.

Company Details - Logo and Title

In logo and title, you can change your company logo. And you can change site header and footer. To change logo, title and footer go to Set Up Section-> Logo and Title change according to your requirement and save.

Company Details - SMTP Email

It’s an email server configuration. If you want to change email configuration setting go to Set up -> SMTP email and save.

Department Section

Department section mainly focuses on a simple interface for storing and analyzing information of employees. In this section you can add a department as well as manage any department with the help of edit and delete action. We can create new department and manage created department. To add new department go to Set up -> Department fill all field and save we can edit and delete too.

  • Add Department
  • Manage Department

Department - Add Department

To add new department go to Set up -> Department fill all field and save we can edit and delete too.

Department - Manage Department

Here you can saw all department details-

Allowance and Deduction

In allowance and deduction section you can add any allowance which you have given to the employee and you can add here all taxes in deduction.

To add new allowance and deduction, go to Set up -> Allowance and Deduction, add allowance and deduction and save.

Pay Scale

Pay scale determines how much an employee is to be paid as a wages or salary. In pay scale you can add new pay scale with the help of basic information as pay scale name, salary type (weekly, monthly per unit, hourly), allowance and deduction and so on. To add new pay scale, go to Set up -> Pay scale and submit all required field and click on save button.

  • Pay Scale – Add Pay Scale
  • Pay Scale – Manage Pay Scale

Pay Scale - Add Pay Scale

To add new pay scale, go to Set up -> Pay scale and submit all required field and click on save button.

Pay Scale - Manage Pay Scale

To manage any pay scale go to pay scale-> Manage pay scale and there you can edit and delete any payscale.

Leave Type

In leave type you can add leave and number of credit leaves. To add new leave type go to Set up -> Leave type and submit required field. Here you can manage leave type also. You can edit and delete too.

  • Leave Type – Add Leave Type
  • Leave Type – Manage Leave Type

Leave Type - Add Leave Type

To add a leave go to leave type-> Add leave type and fill required fields and save the form.

Leave Type - Manage Leave Type

To manage leave type go to leave type-> leave types and there you can view, edit or delete any leave type.


In shift type you can add new shift like morning shift, night shift and so on with starting time and end time and you can give the shift days.

  • Shift – Add Shift
  • Shift – Manage Shift

Shift - Add Shift

To add new shift go to Set up -> Shift, add new shift submit required field as shift name, start time and days and save.

Shift - Manage Shift

To manage shift -> go to shift ; shift and there you can view, edit or delete any shift.

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